Procedures to transfer save data differs depending on if your Nintendo Account is linked or not.
Please consider the following questions based on your current situation.
* If you cannot confirm the following information when sending us an inquiry, we may be unable to assist in some situations. We ask for your understanding.
* We cannot assist in transferring save data other than by linking your Nintendo Account.
* If you get a new device with a different operating system, any Leaf Tickets obtained or purchased in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp or Pocket Camp Club benefits (membership) will be incompatible and cannot be transferred.
Q1. Have you already linked your Nintendo Account to the save data you wish to transfer? |
If Yes: Proceed to Q2.
If No: Proceed to Q3.
Q2. Are you able to log into the Nintendo Account you have linked to the save data you wish to transfer? |
If Yes: Proceed to A1.
If No: Proceed to A2.
Q3. Are you currently able to play the save data you wish to transfer? |
If Yes: Proceed to A3.
If No: Proceed to A4.
A1. Please refer to the following article and perform transfer procedures. |
- I want to transfer my current save data to another smart device.
* ■Please see Step 2 of save data transfer procedures.
A2. Please see the following article. |
When you are able to log into your Nintendo Account, proceed to A1.
A3. Please see the following article and link your Nintendo Account to the data you wish to transfer. |
Once you have linked your Nintendo Account to the data you wish to transfer, proceed to A1.
A4. From the inquiry form at the bottom of this page, please provide the following information to send us an inquiry. |
* If you still have the device you had before transferring but the save data is gone, if possible please re-install the app and send us an inquiry from that device.
・ Note that you were unable to transfer your save data despite reading through the FAQ.
・ The nickname you're using in the save data you wish to transfer (Necessary)
・ What you can provide from the following items
・ A screenshot of the receipt email you received from Google Play when you purchased Leaf Tickets or joined the Pocket Camp Club
* Please be sure the date of purchase and order number (GPA.xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) is visible
* You can view this from the ( website
・ Your Player ID from the save data you wish to transfer (11 digit number)
・The 16 English characters to the upper right of the title screen from the save data you wish to transfer
・ The date you erased your save data and the date you last played (example: 5/5/2022)
・ The month and year you started playing the game (example: 1/2022)
・ The period of time you've used the Pocket Camp Club (example: 1/2022 - 5/2022)
・ Leaf Ticket balance
・ Your Level
・ Your character's outfit (as much as you can recall)
・ The names of the animals you've invited to your campsite (as much as you can recall)
・ Two amenities placed in your campsite (as much as you can recall)